Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Dear Santa.....

Since a few people have asked what Miss Leah would like for Christmas (not to mention that her Nana asks just about every other day) I decided to utilize Toys R Us's Wish List feature and make a couple for Leah.

The one is just toys & books and typical 'fun' Christmas things, while the other is a general baby items list with things like diapers, wipes, creams, lotions and potions (kind of like when you get socks and underwear for Christmas).

Here are the links to them:
General Stuff

My Mom just told me that the links do not take you directly to the wish lists so........... you can search for Turnquist in Maryland to find it, or if you can search by the numbers it's: 1572850 for the Christmas one and 1574252 for the everyday stuff.


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