The shots really pooped the poor widdle girl out though.
(This was from later in the evening)
When we got back home around 11:30 I managed to get 2 oz of formula in her before she passed out. A little bit after 2 we got her up for a nice warm bath, a trach collar change and bandages change. After that, around 3 she gulped down 5 oz. After that it was lights-out for a lot of the day - between then and when Jeff got home from work at 10, she had only managed to take in 3 oz during random awake moments.
She had done really well on her feedings from the previous day (27 1/2 oz!!) so I wasn't too worried about it. If she needed her sleep I was happy to let her sleep. Overall with nighttime feedings from the nurse we got 19 1/2 oz in her for the day. Not surprisingly she's doing better today, and even had a good 45 minute fun session on her activity mat. Now she's napping and I'm sure she'll wake up good and ready for another full bottle.
Height: 23 1/2"
"I'm hiding behind my butterfly"
We're still currently bandaging each limb. I could theoretically get away with only doing just 1 leg and 1 arm, but I want to make sure everything is totally healed until I leave anything unwrapped. Overall her skin looks really good, and she heals remarkably fast. But once the skin has been broken down it's easier for it to blister again soon after. So while nothing on an arm or leg may be an open wound, if it's the slightest bit red in the process of healing, it'll blister as soon as something (blanket, humidifier tubing, toy) rubs against it.
So there's the latest update on the best baby in the world.
"Awww - gee shucks Mom"